
Desastres de la Guerra is a fever dream about the terror of war.

Social AR is an augmented reality research project that deals with sustainability, globalization and social + envi

Rules of the city is an artistic research project and a pen & paper roleplaying game

Shortly after the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, a gruesome battle started to rage in the ancient city of Aleppo.

gold extra has been producing art for the digital space for many years. A good opportunity to weekly present a digital artwork.

Science Meets Fiction Festival,
What was going on in the 21st century? A well experienced team of future archaeologists reconctructed the 20iest aniversary exhibition of artist group gold extra for the gallery pro arte.
Mixed Reality Spiel von Kaktus Landoo & gold extra. Künstlerische Forschung und kollaboratoves Kunstprojekt mit Jugendlichen (Kreative Mediengestaltung) der NMS Lehen, Salzburg (Austria)
Killing Fields is a computer game concerned with the My-Lai-Massacre. It is the second entry in the "5th commandment" series of games by Georg Hobmeier in cooperation with Causa Creations.