What would it be like to build your own city on Mars... And without a spaceship, wood or metal? gold extra and the Artificial Museum make it possible in Mini-Salzburg! 

Reinhold's experimental animated film Addicted (2011) will be shown in France in the coming days at the renowned Annecy International Animation Film Festival in the Choreographies: Animation and Dance

Panel discussion on citizen science and art by the OeAD with Sonja Prlic
Workshop by Tobias Hammerle and Gottfried Schweiger
What is AI doing to art? Or should the question rather be, what does art do with AI? Sarah Fitterer, Tobias Hammerle and Sebastian Frisch will address these and other questions.

Surprise, surprise! As part of the opening of the Vienna Shorts Festival on May 28, 2024 at Gartenbaukino Vienna there will also be a surprise film.

Sonja Prlic and Tobias speak on the podium at the 60th cultural breakfast of Da

Gold Extra invites you to a workshop dedicated to the topic of "AI - potential, practice & dangers".

The interactive installation ChatGT - do while() human dreams, (GT for Georg Trakl) created by Tobias Hammerle, offers a bridge between artificial intelligence and literary art, inspired by the melancholic works of Georg Trakl.

The audio installation explores the complex relationship between technology and tradition: ancient tradition meets ancient AI.

It's this time of the year again: The new BRIEFS call is out! This year under the motto "DEATH". So if you have always dreamed about developing a game about death, this is just the right opportunity to do so. 

The questions/answers cover various aspects of applying to Briefs, including eligibility, experience requirements, development timelines, legal considerations, and the judging process. They also address specific inquiries about game types, engines, financial concerns, and ways to improve one's chances of selection.

Reinhold/gold extra will be active at the Diagonale in Graz over the next few days.

On March 15 and 16, 2024, further performances of our interactive immersive documentary experience ONCE UPON UNSTEADY GROUNDS take place as part of the Digithalia Festival of Schauspielhaus Graz.

On Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 18:00 the Asifa Salon Reini Bidner will take place in the ASIFAstudio at Dapontegasse 9, 1030 Vienna: under the motto "ASIFA Austria members intro

We are pleased to present our four-part podcast series "AR Communities", which is dedicated to a fascinating topic: Augmented Reality (AR) as a technology and philosophical concept in the context of games, art and culture.

Once Upon Unsteady Grounds at Open Lab by V2- Lab for Unstable Media

On 3 February, gold extra was a guest at the Future Lab of the Schubert Theatre in Vienna.

Yay, our online performance Once Upon Unsteady Grounds is happening again in the new year of 2024:
You can attend it from the comfort of your own home on the following days:

In this talk F. Wiesel (Hanke Wilsmann & Jost von Harleßem) discuss with Sonja Prlic how stages and actors function in the digital space.

We are pleased to announce Tobias Experimental Short Documentary "Find Myself Through Mozart" has been awarded an Honourable Mention at the Covent Garden Film Festival in London. 


We are excited to report a special presentation of "Once Upon Unsteady Grounds" (OUUG) as an interactive online theater piece for the Master's students in Digital Arts at the University of Hagenberg.

Does technology help or prevent the creation of utopias? How does web- and location-based augmented reality work? How can public space be designed in a participatory way and how can AR support this?


a walk through the dreamlands
Interactive Fiction

On 21 November, guests were invited to an interactive performance at the Künstlerhaus. A Draft Zero of 'Black Book', the new project by gold extra, was tested. The premiere of Black Book's final version is planned for 2025.