gold extra media machinarium

Screenshot GOEMM Screenshot GOEMM.
Screenshot GOEMM Screenshot GOEMM.

gold extra media machinarium

online from winter 2022

The gold extra media machinarium collects old works, youthful sins, funny, highly political and strangely unpronounceable projects. In this small time machine you can get impressions about the work of gold extra from summer 1999 until today.
Press the button and choose one or more gold extra artists. Now you can play through the history of gold extra's projects in the media machinarium.

The gold extra media machinarium was created in collaboration with Causa Creations and was financed by funds from the Digital Call of the Province of Salzburg and the BMKS, as well as by gold extra. Collaborators of the project are: Hannah Fehkhrer, Christian Knapp, Sabrina Loder, Ben Wahl (all Causa Creations), Georg Hobmeier (gold extra/Causa Creations) and Reinhold Bidner, Tobias Hammerle, Sonja Prlic and Karl Zechenter (all gold extra).



Online slot machine
Treat yourself to your gold extra project from the last 200 years