
Documentary Escape Experience

The "AI & Creation" project is dedicated to researching and artistically exploring artificial intelligence.

Performance in cooperation with Kollektiv Kollinski sozial, Duet for actress and personal assistant
Interactive Documentary Environment, online performance in coopartion with ARGEkultur Salzburg and Bangkok International Performance Arts Meeting (BIPAM).
Rules of the city is an artistic research project and a pen & paper roleplaying game
What was going on in the 21st century? A well experienced team of future archaeologists reconctructed the 20iest aniversary exhibition of artist group gold extra for the gallery pro arte.

Where do we feel strange and why? Is the unknown surprisingly much too close to the familar?

Andrea Hofer, the story time of Tyrolian feminism, is a lecture performance by Martina Brandmayr and Karl Zechenter: Andrea Hofer, has she actually lived? And do Tyrolian marksmen and -women follow her? Experience yourself if the time is ripe for this female icon after 250 years waiting.
On a regular basis: discussions and dresentations on different locations.
is a piece by Tommy Noonan in cooperation with gold extra, Studio Blixa 6 and enthusiastic encounters.